fairsplit.pl is a little utility I created to help split monthly bills with
a roommate.    Basically I needed a utility that would calculate the obligations
of both of the people based upon each persons percentage of the total income to
the household.  This makes for a fair distribution of debt.   If one person makes
twice as much money as the other one, it would not be fair to have both people
paying half of the bills.  One person would be spending a much larger percentage
of his income than the other.  


   Upon startup fairsplit will load the fairsplit.conf file.  If the configuration file
      does not exist, a new one will be generated.
   The yearly salary for person A and B are entered into their associated income entry
      widget.  Actually the salary numbers dont have to be yearly, they just need to be 
      comparable in terms of time.  Monthly numbers would work just as well..
      After both salaries are entered and return is pressed, the percentage of
      the total income is calculated and displayed in the percentage fields.   
   Bills to be split between both people are entered into the "shared" pane. 
   Bills or extra payments for person A or B (but not to be split with the other
      person) are entered into their associated panes.   The amount and a small
      description of the bill can be entered.  When return is pressed, the new 
      entry is pushed onto the list for that person, and the totals are re-calculated.
   To remove a payment - double click the item - There are no confirmations, so dont
      double-click an item unless you really want to remove it..
   The "Total" field for Person A, B and Shared shows the total obligations.  
   The "Check" field is really just the total field divided by 2 (a lot of people
   are payed bi-weekly) - this shows the amount the person owes for each paycheck.
   The "Calculate" button is not really necessary since calculation is automatic when a new
   item is entered, but sometimes people wanted to ensure calculation is being done.
   The "Save" button will save the data contents to a file "fairsplit.txt"
I wrote fairsplit for a specific purpose, but it could easily be modified for other

I have included a sample fairsplit.conf file to illustrate the utility.

Monty Scroggins

