
Test::PostgreSQL helps you run unit tests that require a PostgreSQL database,
by starting one up for you, and automatically destroying it later.


To install this module, it's probably easiest to run this, which doens't even
require downloading the source.

   cpanm Test::PostgreSQL

To install this module from source, such as a CPAN download or Github checkout,
type the following in the same directory as this README.

   perl Makefile.PL
   make test
   make install

Module Dependencies

 * Class::Accessor::Lite
 * DBI
 * DBD::Pg

This module's unit tests require:

 * Test::SharedFork


Toby Corkindale, Kazuho Oku, and various contributors.

Copyright and License

This version copyright © 2011-2014 Toby Corkindale.

Versions 0.09 and earlier were copyright (C) 2009 Cybozu Labs, Inc.

This module is free software, released under the Perl Artistic License 2.0.
See http://www.perlfoundation.org/artistic_license_2_0 for more information.