Module::Pluggable - automatically give your module the ability to have

    Simple use Module::Pluggable as a base -

        package MyClass;
        use Module::Pluggable;
        use base qw(Module::Pluggable);
    and then later ...

        use MyClass;
        my $mc = MyClass->new();
        # returns the names of all plugins installed under MyClass::Plugins::*
        my @plugins = $mc->plugins(); 

    Alternatively, if you don't want to use 'plugins' as the method ...

        package MyClass;
        use Module::Pluggable (sub_name => 'foo');
        use base qw(Module::Pluggable);

    and then later ...

        my @plugins = $mc->foo();

    Or if you want to look in another directory

        package MyClass;
        use Module::Pluggable (search_path => ['Acme/MyClass/Plugin', 'MyClass/Extend']);
        use base qw(Module::Pluggable);

    Or if you want to instantiate each plugin rather than just return the

        package MyClass;
        use Module::Pluggable (instantiate => 'new');
        use base qw(Module::Pluggable);

    and then

        # whatever is passed to 'plugins' will be passed 
        # to 'new' for each plugin 
        my @plugins = $mc->plugins(@options); 

    Provides a simple but, hopefully, extensible way of having 'plugins' for
    your module. Obviously this isn't going to be the be all and end all of
    solutions but it works for me.

    Essentially all it does is export a method into your namespace that
    looks through a search path for .pm files and turn those into class

    Optionally it instantiates those classes for you.

    You can pass a hash of options when importing this module.

    The options can be ...

    The name of the subroutine to create in your namespace.

    By default this is 'plugins'

    An array ref of paths to look in. Whilst attempts have been made provide
    cross platform-ness when looking for plugins you'll have to take care of
    the search paths yourself.

    See the test files for examples on how to do this.

    But something like this should work

        use File::Spec::Functions qw(catdir);
        # search in Some/Path/To/Plugins but in a cross platform way
        use Module::Pluggable (search_path => [catdir(qw(Some Path To Plugins))]);

    Call this method on the class. In general this will probably be 'new'
    but it can be whatever you want. Whatever arguments are passed to
    'plugins' will be passed to the method.

    The default is 'undef' i.e just return the class name.

    This does everything I need and I can't really think fo any other
    features I want to add. Finding multiple packages in one .pm file is
    probably too hard and AFAICS it should 'just work'[tm] with PAR.

    However suggestions (and patches) are welcome.

    Simon Wistow <>

    Copyright, 2003 Simon Wistow

    Distributed under the same terms as Perl itself.

    None known.

    File::Spec, File::Find::Rule, File::Basename, Class::Factory::Util