Clone::Any - Select an available recursive-copy function

      use Clone::Any qw(clone);
      $a = { 'foo' => 'bar', 'move' => 'zig' };
      $b = [ 'alpha', 'beta', 'gamma', 'vlissides' ];
      $c = new Foo();
      $d = clone($a);
      $e = clone($b);
      $f = clone($c);

    This module checks for several different modules which can provide a
    clone() function to make deep copies of Perl data structures.

  Clone Interface

    The clone function makes recursive copies of nested hash, array, scalar
    and reference types, including tied variables and objects.

    The clone() function takes a scalar argument to copy. To duplicate
    lists, arrays or hashes, pass them in by reference. e.g.

      my $copy = clone(\@array);    my @copy = @{ clone(\@array) };
      my $copy = clone(\%hash);     my %copy = %{ clone(\%hash) };

  Multiple Implementations

    Depending on which modules are available, this may load Clone,
    Clone::PP, Util, Storable, or Class::MakeMethods::Utility::Ref. If none
    of those modules are available, it will "croak".

    For the various implementations, see the Clone manpage, the Clone::PP
    manpage, the Storable manpage, the Util manpage, and the
    Class::MakeMethods::Utility::Ref manpage.

    See the Devel::UseAnyFunc manpage for the underlying module loader and
    exporter functionality.

    Developed by Matthew Simon Cavalletto at Evolution Softworks. More free
    Perl software is available at "".

    You may contact the author directly at "" or

    To report bugs via the CPAN web tracking system, go to
    "" or send mail to
    "", replacing "#" with "@".

    Copyright 2003 Matthew Simon Cavalletto.

    Orignally inspired by Clone by Ray Finch with contributions from
    chocolateboy. Portions Copyright 2001 Ray Finch. Portions Copyright 2001

    You may use, modify, and distribute this software under the same terms
    as Perl.