use Net::WHMCS;
        use Digest::MD5 'md5_hex';

        my $whmcs = Net::WHMCS->new(
                WHMCS_URL => 'http://example.com/whmcs/includes/api.php',
                WHMCS_USERNAME => 'admin_user',
                WHMCS_PASSWORD => md5_hex('admin_pass'),
                # WHMCS_API_ACCESSKEY => 'faylandtest', # optional, to pass the IP, http://docs.whmcs.com/API:Access_Keys

        my $user = $whmcs->client->getclientsdetails({
                clientid => 1,
                stats => 'true',



NOTE: the modules are incomplete. please feel free to fork on github [https://github.com/fayland/perl-Net-WHMCS](https://github.com/fayland/perl-Net-WHMCS) and send me pull requests.


## client

        my $user = $whmcs->client->getclientsdetails({
                clientid => 1,
                stats => 'true',


## support

                clientid => 1,
                deptid => 1,
                subject => 'subject',
                message => 'message'


## order

                clientid => 1,
                pid => 1,


## misc

                type => 'other',
                gid => 1,
                name => 'Sample Product',
                paytype => 'recurring',
                'pricing[1][monthly]' => '5.00',
                'pricing[1][annually]' => '50.00',
