This is an interface to Amazon EC2 REST tools that follows the
2011-05-15 API. I created it because I needed access to the Tag and
TagSet interfaces, and neither euca2ools nor Net::Amazon::EC2 provided
this functionality. The core Amazon API is supported, but support for
VPC, clusters, spot instances and reserved instances is incomplete.

The module provides an extensible object-oriented interface as
illustrated by the following code:

 # get new EC2 object
 my $ec2 = VM::EC2->new(-access_key => 'access key id',
                        -secret_key => 'aws_secret_key',
                        -endpoint   => '');

 # fetch an image by its ID
 my $image = $ec2->describe_images('ami-12345');

 # get some information about the image
 my $architecture = $image->architecture;
 my $description  = $image->description;
 my @devices      = $image->blockDeviceMapping;
 for my $d (@devices) {
    print $d->deviceName,"\n";
    print $d->snapshotId,"\n";
    print $d->volumeSize,"\n";

 # run two instances
 my @instances = $image->run_instances(-key_name      =>'My_key',
                                       -min_count     =>2,
                                       -instance_type => 't1.micro')
           or die $ec2->error_str;

 # wait for both instances to reach "running" or other terminal state

 # print out both instance's current state and DNS name
 for my $i (@instances) {
    my $status = $i->current_status;
    my $dns    = $i->dnsName;
    print "$i: [$status] $dns\n";

 # tag both instances with Role "server"
 foreach (@instances) {$_->add_tag(Role=>'server');

 # stop both instances
 foreach (@instances) {$_->stop}

 $ec2->wait_for_instances(@instances); # wait till they stop
 # create an image from both instance, tag them, and make them public
 for my $i (@instances) {
     my $img = $i->create_image("Autoimage from $i","Test image");
     $img->add_tags(Name  => "Autoimage from $i",
                    Role  => 'Server',
                    Status=> 'Production');

Development and bug reports

This module is supported using GitHub at To report a bug please open
the Issues tag and file a bug report using the "New Issue" button.

To contribute to development of this module, please obtain a github
account for yourself and then either:
 1) Fork a copy of the repository, make your changes against this repository, 
    and send a pull request to me to incorporate your changes.

 2) Contact me by email and ask for push privileges on the repository.

See for help getting started.

Lincoln D. Stein <>
1 August 2011