Attanium - A medium-weight, MVC, DB web framework.

    A simple, medium-weight, MVC web framework build on CGI::Application.
    The framework combines tested, well known plugins and helper scripts to
    provide a rapid development environment.

    The bundled plugins mix the following methods into your controller







        $c->log->info('This also works')

        my $value = $c->session->param('key')

        my $conf_val = $c->cfg('field');

        my $select = $c->superform->select(
                            name    => 'select',
                            default => 2,
                            values  => [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ],
                            labels  => {
                                    0 => 'Zero',
                                    1 => 'One',
                                    2 => 'Two',
                                    3 => 'Three'

        sub method: Runmode {my $c = shift; do_something();}

        $c->fill_form( \$template )

        my  $results = $ ->check_rm(
                  || return $c->check_rm_error_page;

    Attanium is based on CGI::Application and includes a number of vetted
    CGIApp plugins. This project is very similar to, and inspired by, Mark
    Stosberg's Titanium framework and Jaldhar H. Vyas's
    Module::Starter::Plugin::CGIApp .

    I have taken to heart a comment by Mark Stosberg on the CGIApp mailing

            "Titanium is just one vision of what can be built on top of
            CGI::Application. Someone else could easily combine their own
            combination of CGI::Application and different favorite plugins,
            and publish that with a different name."

    Titanium takes a very light-weight approach to make running in a CGI
    environment very fast. Attanium takes a slightly different approach and
    aims for:

    *   adequate performance under CGI, but with more focus speed of

    *   a well-defined project structure with directories for model classes,
        controllers and view templates.

    *   a powerful templating DSL via Template Toolkit integration.

    *   a integrated Object Relational Mapper

    *   no runmode configuration required.

    *   integrated form building to simplify creation of complex HTML form

    *   clean url-to-controller mapping by default.

    Attanium is also different in that it generates a micro-architecture and
    helper scripts that work within that structure to speed development and
    maintain project structure. The helper scripts eliminate the tedium of
    error-prone manual creation of controllers, templates and database

    The skeleton app generated by generates a base class
    rather than runnable module. This is differen than the artifacts
    generated by attanium-starter also generates a
    default 'Home' subclass and a CGI::Application::Dispatch instance that
    is customized to default to the Home subclasses generated 'index'
    runmode. also generates the script
    'YourApp/script/' which will generate additional
    subclasses of your base module with a default 'index' runmode and a
    default TT template for that runmode. The provided
    'YourApp/script/' will generate a
    DBIx::Class::Schema subclass and a set of DBIx::Class::Result set
    subclasses for your custom databasse.

    Finally Attanium aims to be as compatible as possible with Catalyst
    which also has the plugins which were added to Titanium to form

Attanium Tutorial
    In this tutorial we will build a simplistic database driven web
    application using Attanium to demonstrate using the starter and helper
    scripts as well as the minimal required configuration.

    Attanium assumes that you have a database that you want to use with the
    web. If you have a database you can use for this tutorial. Otherwise,
    jump to the "Create The Example Database" section at the bottom of this
    page before starting the tutorial.

    You will need to install Attanium which provides the runtime
    requirements. You will also need to install
    Module::Starter::Plugin::Attanium which supplies the development

        ~/dev$ sudo cpan
        cpan> install Attanium
              ... ok
        cpan> install Module::Starter::Plugin::Attanium
              ... ok
        cpan> exit

  Creating a Project
        ~/dev$ --module=MyApp1 \
                                   --author=gordon \
                                   --email="" \
        Created MyApp1
        Created MyApp1/lib
        Created MyApp1/lib/                      # YOUR *CONTROLLER BASE CLASS* !
        Created MyApp1/t
        Created MyApp1/t/pod-coverage.t
        Created MyApp1/t/pod.t
        Created MyApp1/t/01-load.t
        Created MyApp1/t/test-app.t
        Created MyApp1/t/perl-critic.t
        Created MyApp1/t/boilerplate.t
        Created MyApp1/t/00-signature.t
        Created MyApp1/t/www
        Created MyApp1/t/www/PUT.STATIC.CONTENT.HERE
        Created MyApp1/templates/MyApp1/C/Home
        Created MyApp1/templates/MyApp1/C/Home/index.tmpl # DEFAULT HOME PAGE TEMPLATE
        Created MyApp1/Makefile.PL
        Created MyApp1/Changes
        Created MyApp1/README
        Created MyApp1/MANIFEST.SKIP
        Created MyApp1/t/perlcriticrc
        Created MyApp1/lib/MyApp1/C                       # YOUR CONTROLLERS GO HERE 
        Created MyApp1/lib/MyApp1/C/               # YOUR *DEFAULT CONTROLLER SUBCLASS*
        Created MyApp1/lib/MyApp1/             # YOUR CUSTOM DISPATCHER
        Created MyApp1/config
        Created MyApp1/config/               # YOU CONFIG -- MUST BE EDITED BY YOU!
        Created MyApp1/script
        Created MyApp1/script/       # IMPORTANT HELPER SCRIPT
        Created MyApp1/script/        # ANOTHER IMPORTANT HELPER SCRIPT.
        Created MyApp1/                          # SERVER USES YOUR CUSTOM DISPATCH.PM
        Created MyApp1/MANIFEST
        Created starter directories and files

  Configure Your Database
    Attanium is database centric in some sense and expects that you have a
    database. Before running your app via you need to configure
    your database access.

    The example config is generated at MyApp1/config/ The
    contents are shown here.

            use strict;
            my %CFG;                        

            $CFG{db_dsn} = "dbi:mysql:myapp1_dev";
            $CFG{db_user} = "root";
            $CFG{db_pw} = "root";
            $CFG{tt2_dir} = "templates";
            return \%CFG;

    Using the root account is shown here as a worst-practice. You should
    customize the file supplying the correct database dsn, user and
    passwords for your database.

    If you do not have a database and want to use an example see "Create
    Example Database" below before continuing.

  Generate A DBIx::Class Schema For Your Database
    From your project root directory run the helper script to generate
    DBIx::Class::Schema and Resultset packages. This will use the
    configuration you supplied in to produce a in your
    apps lib/MAINMODULE directory

            ~/dev/My-App1$ perl script/ 
            Dumping manual schema for DB to directory /home/gordon/dev/My-App1/script/../lib/My/App1 ...
            Schema dump completed.

    Given the example database shown below your resulting DBIx::Class
    related files and folders would look like this:

        ~/dev/MyApp1$ find lib/MyApp1/ | grep DB

  Run Your App
    Before running your app you will need to export the CONFIG_FILE pointing
    to your dev config file.

    On linux you could use something like:

       ~/dev/MyApp1$ export CONFIG_FILE=/home/gordon/dev/MyApp1/config/

    On windows you could use something like:

        C:\Users\gordon\dev\MyApp1: set CONFIG_FILE=C:\Users\gordon\dev\MyApp1\config\

    Run the server:

        ~/dev/MyApp1$ perl 
        access your default runmode at /cgi-bin/index.cgi
        CGI::Application::Server: You can connect to your server at http://localhost:8060/

    Open your browser and test at


  Create a new Submodule
    This is where the helper script comes in very
    handy. As an example we can generate a new module to interact with the
    Orders table of the example database.

        ~/dev/MyApp1$ perl script/ --name=Orders
        will try to create lib/MyApp1/C
        Created lib/MyApp1/C/
        will try to create template directory templates/MyApp1/C/Orders
        Created templates/MyApp1/C/Orders
        Created templates/MyApp1/C/Orders/index.tmpl

    You can restart and view default output at:


    Add a new runmode to lib/MyApp1/C/ to show the orders that we
    have from the example database.

        sub list: Runmode{
            my $c = shift;

            my @orders = $c->resultset("MyApp1::DB::Result::Orders")->all;

            $c->tt_params(orders =>\@orders);
            return $c->tt_process();


    Then add a template for this runmode at
    templates/MyApp1/C/Orders/list.tmpl with the following content:

        <h1>Order List</h1>
          <tr><th>Cust No</th><th>Order No</th></tr>
          [% FOREACH order = orders %]
               <td>[% order.customer_id %]</td>
               <td>[% %]</td>
          [% END %]

    Restart and visit page to see list of orders at:


  Creating The Example Database (if you don't already have one)
    The Attanium distrubution contains an example sql file that you can use
    for this example app. Use the download link at Attanium on CPAN, grab
    the archive and extract the file from the 'examples' directory of the

    The script will create the 'myapp1_dev' database, create 2 tables and
    load a few Notice that the create table statements end with
    'engine=InnoDB'. This is important since our DBIC generator script will
    create relationships on the perl side ased on the metadata in the
    database. The default engine for mysql will not store the relationship
    metadata and you will then need to hand-craft the relationships at the
    botton of the generated DB::Result classes.


            ~/dev/MyApp1$ mysql -u root -p < example_tables.mysql.ddl

    The contents of the example sql file are as follows:

            CREATE DATABASE myapp1_dev;
            USE myapp1_dev;

            CREATE TABLE customer(
               id integer not null auto_increment PRIMARY KEY,
               last_name varchar(25) null,
               first_name varchar(25) not null

            CREATE TABLE orders(
              id integer not null auto_increment PRIMARY KEY,
              customer_id integer not null,
              order_status varchar(10) default "OPEN" not null,     
              order_date TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
              CONSTRAINT orders_customer_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (customer_id) REFERENCES customer(id)

            INSERT INTO customer (last_name, first_name) VALUES("Doe","John");
            INSERT INTO orders (customer_id) VALUES(  1 );
            INSERT INTO orders (customer_id) VALUES(  1 );
            INSERT INTO orders (customer_id) VALUES(  1 );

    If you did not use 'engine=InnoDB' or your database does not support
    relationships, you can paste the following in the bottom of your
    "MyApp/DB/Result/" to tell DBIx::Class how the example tables

       # Created by DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader v0.04006 @ 2009-09-15 16:05:33

          { id => "customer" },

    See documentation for DBIx::Class::Manual for more information on
    configuring and using relationships in your model.

Further Reading
    See CGI::Application::Plugin::DBIC::Schema for more information on
    accessing DBIx::Class from your Attanium modules.

    See CGI::Application::Plugin::SuperForm for form building support that
    is build into Attanium.

    See DBIx::Class::Manual::Intro for more information on using the
    powerful ORM included with Attanium.

    See Titanium and CGI::Application for lots of good ideas and examples
    that will work with your Attanium app.

    There are no known bugs for this distribution.

    Please report any bugs or feature requests through the web interface at
    "/<tmpl_var distro" in http:>. I
    will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress
    on your bug as I make changes.

    I recommend joining the cgi-application mailing list.

        Gordon Van Amburg
        vanamburg at

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.

    The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included
    with this module.