CGI::CIPP - Use CIPP embedded HTML Pages in a CGI environment

    CGI::CIPP is a Perl module which enables you to use CIPP on
    every CGI capable webserver. It is based on a central wrapper
    script, which does all the preprocessing. It executes the
    generated Perl code directly afterwards.

    Additionally, it implements a filesystem based cache for the
    generated code. Preprocessing is done only when the
    corresponding CIPP source code changed on disk, otherwise this
    step is skipped.

    CIPP is a Perl module for translating CIPP sources to pure Perl
    programs. CIPP defines a HTML embedding language also called
    CIPP which has powerful features for CGI and database

    Many standard CGI and database operations (and much more) are
    covered by CIPP, so the developer does not need to code them
    again and again.

    CIPP is not part of this distribution, please download it from

    To give you some imagination of what you can do with CIPP: here
    is a (really) simple example of using CIPP in a HTML source to
    retrieve some information from a database. Think this as a HTML
    page which is "executed" on the fly by your webserver.

    Note: there is no code to connect to the database. This is done
    implicitely. The configuration is taken from the central
    CGI::CIPP wrapper srcipt.

      # print table of users who match the given parameter
      <?INTERFACE INPUT="$search_name">

      <HEAD><TITLE>tiny litte CIPP example</TITLE></HEAD>
      <H1>Users matching '$search_name'</H1>

      <TABLE BORDER=1>
      <?SQL SQL="select name, adress, phone
                 from   people
                 where  name like '%' || ? || '%'"
            MY VAR="$n, $a, $p">


    Create a CGI program in a directory, where CGI programs usually
    reside on your server (e.g. /cgi-bin/cipp), or configure this
    program another way to be a CGI program.

    This program is the central CGI::CIPP wrapper. It only consists
    of a single function call to the CGI::CIPP module, with a hash
    of parameters for configuration. This is a example:


      use strict;
      use CGI::CIPP;

      CGI::CIPP->request (
            document_root  => '/www/htdocs/cippstuff',
            wrapper_url    => '/cgi-bin/cipp',
            directoy_index => 'index.cipp',
            cache_dir      => '/tmp/cipp_cache',
            databases      => {
                    test => {
                            data_source => 'dbi:mysql:test',
                            user        => 'dbuser',
                            password    => 'dbpassword',
                            auto_commit => 1
                    foo => {
            default_database => 'test',
            lang => 'EN'

    See the embedded POD documentation for details about
    configuring CGI::CIPP, particularly see the Apache
    and CGI::SpeedyCGI configuration hints. They will make
    your life easier.

    The file 'example.cgi' is part of this distribution.
    It is a example for a CGI::CIPP wrapper script. Copy and
    modify it for your needs.

    Joern Reder <>

    Copyright 1998-1999 Joern Reder, All Rights Reserved

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

    perl(1), CIPP(3pm), Apache::CIPP(3pm), CGI::SpeedyCGI(3pm)