# NAME Gazelle - a Preforked Plack Handler for performance freaks # SYNOPSIS $ plackup -s Gazelle --port 5003 --max-reqs-per-child 50000 \ -E production -a app.psgi # DESCRIPTION Gazelle is a PSGI Handler. It is derivied from [Starlet](https://metacpan.org/pod/Starlet). A lot of its code was rewritten or optimized by converting it to XS code. Gazelle supports following features: - Supports HTTP/1.1. (Without Keepalive support.) - Ultra fast HTTP processing using picohttpparser. - Uses accept4(2) if the operating system supports it. - Uses writev(2) for output responses. - Prefork and graceful shutdown using Parallel::Prefork. - Hot deploy and unix domain socket using Server::Starter. Gazelle is suitable for running HTTP application servers behind a reverse proxy such as nginx. One can find a Benchmark here: [https://github.com/kazeburo/Gazelle/wiki/Benchmark](https://github.com/kazeburo/Gazelle/wiki/Benchmark) . # SAMPLE CONFIGURATION WITH NGINX nginx.conf: http { upstream app { server unix:/path/to/app.sock; } server { location / { proxy_pass http://app; } location ~ ^/(stylesheets|images)/ { root /path/to/webapp/public; } } } command line of running Gazelle $ start_server --path /path/to/app.sock --backlog 16384 -- plackup -s Gazelle \ -workers=20 --max-reqs-per-child 1000 --min-reqs-per-child 800 -E production -a app.psgi start\_server is bundled with [Server::Starter](https://metacpan.org/pod/Server::Starter) # COMMAND LINE OPTIONS In addition to the options supported by plackup, Gazelle accepts the following options: ## --max-workers=# Number of worker processes (default: 10). ## --timeout=# Seconds until timeout (default: 300). ## --max-reqs-per-child=# Maximal number of requests to be handled before a worker process exits (default: 1000). ## --min-reqs-per-child=# If set, randomize the number of requests handled by a single worker process between this value and the one supplied by `--max-reqs-per-child` (default: none). ## --spawn-interval=# If set, worker processes will not be spawned more than once than every number of seconds given in the parameter. Furthermore, when a SIGHUP is being received, no more than one worker processes will be collected during this interval. This feature is useful for doing a "slow-restart". See [http://blog.kazuhooku.com/2011/04/web-serverstarter-parallelprefork.html](http://blog.kazuhooku.com/2011/04/web-serverstarter-parallelprefork.html) for more information. (default: none) ## --child-exit=s the subroutine code to be executed right before a child process exits. e.g. `--child-exit='sub { POSIX::_exit(0) }'`. (default: none) # SEE ALSO [Starlet](https://metacpan.org/pod/Starlet) [Parallel::Prefork](https://metacpan.org/pod/Parallel::Prefork) [Server::Starter](https://metacpan.org/pod/Server::Starter) [https://github.com/h2o/picohttpparser](https://github.com/h2o/picohttpparser) # LICENSE of Starlet This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See [http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html](http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html) # LICENSE Copyright (C) Masahiro Nagano. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR Masahiro Nagano <kazeburo@gmail.com>