Working with RDF data is cumbersome, unless you define namespaces and prefixes
for abbreviation. Defining namespaces, however, is also cumbersome because you
need to repeat this step in every environment. This is silly because in most
cases we use the same URI namespaces anyway. Some popular examples:

    @prefix owl: <> .   (Turtle/N3)

    PREFIX rdf: <>   (SPARQL)

    xmlns:foaf=""   (RDF/XML)

Fortunately there is, a registry where people can vote the most
popular URI namespaces. It is best practice to use the same prefixes as defined
there. The Perl module RDF::NS contains regular snapshots from
for easy reuse without having to download them in every application.

In short, you can get a full prefix-to-namespace mapping as blessed hash with


The only argument to the constructor is the version number, that is equivalent
to the date of a particular snapshot. The changelog in the file Changes lists
all snapshots with their modifications. RDF::NS provides some handy methods,
for instance you can use method-calls to create full URIs:

    $ns->rdf_type; # returns ""

The subclass RDF::NS::Trine, shipped with RDF::NS returns blessed URI objects
instead of plain strings, as expected by RDF::Trine. Please have a look at the
documentation for more information.

The source code of RDF::NS is available at
with releases at