use Clone::Util qw(modclone sclone);
     my $row = {name=>'ujang', gender=>'m', nationality=>'id'};
     my $table = [
         modclone { $_->{name} = 'budi' } $row,
         modclone { $_->{name} = 'asep' } $row,
         modclone { $_->{name} = 'rini'; $_->{gender} = 'f' } $row,
     my $shallow_clone = sclone($data);


    None of the functions are exported by default, but they are exportable.

 clone($data) => $cloned

    This is just re-exported Function::Fallback::CoreOrPP's clone().

 modclone(\&code, $data) => $clone

    Clone $data and then run code. Code will be given the clone of data.
    For convenience, $_ will also be localized and set to the clone of
    data. So you can access the clone using $_ in addition to $_[0].

 sclone($data) => $clone

    Shallow-clone $data, which must be an arrayref or a hashref. Shallow
    cloning means only copying the first level of data.

     my $array = [0,1,2,[3]];
     my $clone = sclone $array; # => [0,1,2,[3]], but [3] is still the same reference
     $clone->[3][0] = "three"; # $clone as well as $array become [0,1,2,["three"]]
     $clone->[0] = "zero"; # $clone becomes ["zero",1,...] but $array still [0,1,...]

    You can perform shallow copying trivially yourself using:

     my $cloned_array = [@$array];
     my $cloned_hash  = {%$hash};

