MP3::Daemon - a daemon that possesses mpg123

    MP3::Daemon is meant to be subclassed -- not used directly.

        package MP3::Daemon::Simple;

        use strict;
        use vars qw(@ISA);
        use MP3::Daemon;

        @ISA = qw(MP3::Daemon);

    Other perl scripts would use MP3::Daemon::Simple like this:

        my $socket_path = "/tmp/mp3d_socket";

        # start up a daemon

        # get a socket that's good for one request to the daemon
        my $client = MP3::Daemon::Simple->client($socket_path);

        print $client @command;

        This is used to control mpg123 in remote-mode.

        This is for client/server communication.

        I like the OO interface. I didn't feel like using normal select()
        and messing with vec().

        This is for getting information from mp3 files.

        This is an optional module that bin/mp3 uses to generate help

        This is just for setsid.

    MP3::Daemon provides a framework for daemonizing mpg123 and
    communicating with it using unix domain sockets. It provides an event
    loop that listens for client requests and also polls the mpg123 player
    to monitor its state and change mp3s when one finishes.

    The types of client requests available are not defined in MP3::Daemon.
    It is up to subclasses of MP3::Daemon to flesh out their own protocol
    for communicating with the daemon. This was done to allow people freedom
    in defining their own mp3 player semantics.

    The following is a short description of the subclasses of MP3::Daemon
    that are packaged with the MP3::Daemon distribution.

  MP3::Daemon::Simple => mp3

    This subclass of MP3::Daemon provides a very straightforward mp3 player.
    It comes with a client called mp3 that you'll find in the bin/
    directory. It implements a very simple playlist. It also implements
    common commands one would expect from an player, and it feels very
    similar to cdcd(1). It is touted as an mpg123 front-end for
    UNIX::Philosophers, because it does not have a Captive User Interface.

    For more information, `perldoc mp3`;

  MP3::Daemon::PIMP => pimp

    This subclass of MP3::Daemon has yet to be written. The significant
    difference between M:D:Simple and M:D:PIMP will be the Plaqueluster. A
    Plaqueluster is a pseudorandom playlist that enforces a user-definable
    level of non-repetitiveness. It is also capable of maintaining a median
    volume such that all mp3s are played at the same relative volume. Never
    again will you be startled by having an mp3 recorded at a low volume
    being followed by an mp3 recorded *VERY LOUDLY*.

    For more information, `perldoc pimp`;

  Server-related Methods

    MP3::Daemon relies on unix domain sockets to communicate. The socket
    requires a place in the file system which is referred to as
    "$socket_path" in the following descriptions.

    new (socket_path => $socket_path, at_exit => $code_ref)
        This instantiates a new MP3::Daemon. The parameter, "socket_path" is
        mandatory, but "at_exit" is optional.

            my $mp3d = MP3::Daemon->new (
                socket_path => "$ENV{HOME}/.mp3/mp3_socket"
                at_exit     => sub { print "farewell\n" },

        This starts the event loop. This will be listening to the socket for
        client requests while polling mpg123 in times of idleness. This
        method will never return.


    spawn (socket_path => $socket_path, at_exit => $code_ref)
        This combines "new()" and "main()" while also forking itself into
        the background. The spawn method will return immediately to the
        parent process while the child process becomes an MP3::Daemon that
        is waiting for client requests.

            MP3::Daemon->spawn (
                socket_path => "$ENV{HOME}/.mp3/mp3_socket"
                at_exit     => sub { print "farewell\n" },

    client $socket_path
        This is a factory method for use by clients who want a socket to
        communicate with a previously instantiated MP3::Daemon.

            my $client = MP3::Daemon->client("$ENV{HOME}/.mp3/mp3_socket");

    idle $code_ref
        This method has 2 purposes. When called with a parameter that is a
        code reference, the purpose of this method is to specify a code
        reference to execute during times of idleness. When called with no
        parameters, the specified code reference will be invoked w/ an
        MP3::Daemon object passed to it as its only parameter. This method
        will be invoked at regular intervals while main() runs.

        Example: Go to the next song when there are 8 or fewer seconds left
        in the current mp3.

            $mp3d->idle (
                sub {
                    my $self   = shift;             # M:D:Simple
                    my $player = $self->{player};   # A:P:MPG123
                    my $f      = $player->{frame};  # hashref w/ time info

                    $self->next() if ($f->[2] <= 8);

        This is a flexible mechanism for adding additional behaviours during

    atExit $code_ref
        This mimics the C function atexit(). It allows one to give an
        MP3::Daemon some CODEREFs to execute when the destructor is called.
        Like the C version, the CODEREFs will be called in the reverse order
        of their registration. Unlike the C version, "$self" will be given
        as a parameter to each CODEREF.

            $mp3d->atExit( sub { unlink("$ENV{HOME}/.mp3/") } );

  Client Protocol

    These methods are usually not invoked directly. They are invoked when a
    client makes a request. The protocol is very simple. The first line is
    the name of the method. Each argument to the method is specified on
    successive lines. A final blank line signifies the end of the request.

        0   method name
        1   $arg[0]
        .   ...
        n-1 $arg[n-2]
        n   /^$/


        print $client <<REQUEST;


    This plays $self->{playlist}[5].

    When writing a subclass of MP3::Daemon keep the following in mind.

    Writing the constructor
        The new() method provided by MP3::Daemon returns a blessed hashref.
        Feel free to add more attributes to the blessed hash as long as you
        don't accidentally stomp on the following keys.

        player      This is an instance of Audio::Play::MPG123.

        server      This is an instance of IO::Socket::UNIX.

        client      This is another instance of IO::Socket::UNIX that the
                    daemon may write to in order to reply to a client.

        socket_path This is where in the filesystem the unix domain socket
                    is sitting.

    You must implement a next() method.
        The event loop in &MP3::Daemon::main relies on it. When a song ends,
        it will execute $self->next.

    Only methods prefixed with "_" will be available to clients.
        This was done to prevent mischievous clients from trying to execute
        methods like new(), spawn() or main(). That would be evil. By only
        allowing methods with names matching /^_/ to be executed, this
        allows the author of a daemon to control what the client can and
        can't request the daemon to do.

        When a client makes a request, the following sequence happens in the
        event loop.

            my @args = $self->readCommand;
            my $do_this = "_" . shift(@args);
            if ($self->can($do_this)) { ... }

        If a client requested the daemon to "play", the event loop will ask
        itself "if ($self->can('_play'))" before taking any action.

    Letting us know
        If you write a subclass of MP3::Daemon, we (pip and beppu) would be
        happy to hear from you. Write to us at or

    I need to be able to report errors in the daemon better. They currently
    go to /dev/null. I need to learn how to use syslog.

    Copyleft (!c) 2001 John BEPPU. All rights reversed. This program is free
    software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms
    as Perl itself.

    John BEPPU <>

    mpg123(1), Audio::Play::MPG123(3pm), pimp(1p), mpg123sh(1p), mp3(1p)